Cedar Homes of Washington Inc. offers our homeowners a wide selection of R-21 wall system options including:
- 5" x 8" flat milled laminated cedar timbers (double tongue & groove)
- 6" x 8" D log laminated cedar timbers (single & double tongue & groove)
- Post and Beam -- Stud framed walls with many options for exterior and interior finishes
- Phoenix Energy Wall 3-lam cedar timbers with 2x furring, insulation and 1 x 8 cedar siding
Note: We offer the original Pan Abode “Classic” timber wall building system for homeowners who want to add onto their existing older Pan Abode home.
Any of our stock cedar home designs can be easily modified and custom ventures are our specialty. We’d be happy to give you a free price estimate whichever direction you decide to go.

6x8 Laminated Cedar D-Log